Hackney Council

Invest in Hackney Council’s climate programme and help create a greener, healthier borough. 

Total investment target


The people of Hackney are leading the way on tackling the climate crisis. The borough has the lowest carbon emissions per person of any council in the UK, but Hackney Council wants to do more.

That’s why the council has one of the most ambitious climate action programmes in the country. In recent years it has switched all its buildings to 100% renewable electricity, installed zero carbon energy measures on buildings including the Hackney Empire, planted thousands of trees and made half of its streets better for walking and cycling by pioneering programmes such as School Streets.

Now it is launching its green investment as a new way to let anyone support its climate action plans, and help it support local residents who are passionate about cutting emissions and creating local green jobs.

Live investments  (-)

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Hackney Council have been delivering green projects to help everyone in their community to take climate action

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Hackney’s climate action priorities

Hackney Council wants to do more to tackle the climate crisis, and has one of the most ambitious climate action programmes in the country.

Green Loan Principle Compliant

These investments are issued under a Green Finance Framework, which means that funds raised can only be used to deliver on eligible green projects.