Islington Council

Islington Council launched London's first council green investment to help it build a cleaner, greener and healthier borough.

Total invested


Islington Council has a vision of reaching net zero carbon by 2030. The council is committed to cutting its own emissions, but - as its activity contributes just 4% of the borough’s carbon emissions - it knows it is vital that local people play their part in creating a greener future.

Islington Greener Futures was the first public green investment to be issued by a London borough, and allowed anyone to help fund a range of community initiatives across Islington, as well helping the council to reduce its own carbon footprint.

Past investments  (-)

Islington Council electric refuses vehicles
Islington council is greening their fleet, including their refuse trucks

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How Islington Council is using the money invested

All the projects that the council is supporting with the money it raised are taken from Islington Council's Vision 2030 plans which aims to create a cleaner and greener future across the borough.

How Islington is tackling the climate emergency

Islington Council declared a climate emergency in June 2019, recognising the need to drastically reduce carbon emissions in the borough. The council made a pledge to work towards being a net zero borough by 2030.